Race Across Czechia 2023 finisher! 

18128 m stoupání
106hodin celkový cas


Race Across Czechia 2023 finisher!

18128 m stoupání
106hodin celkový cas


13 3
600km done in 51hours, still 500km to go!

#zelenahorazdarnadsazavou #racz2023 #bikepacking #bikeracing

600km done in 51hours, still 500km to go!

#zelenahorazdarnadsazavou #racz2023 #bikepacking #bikeracing

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Tuning up the setup for next week bikepacking gravel race  Race Across Czech Republic 2024.


#bikepacking #racz2023 #canyon #ultrabikers #ultrabikerscz #czechrepublic

Tuning up the setup for next week bikepacking gravel race Race Across Czech Republic 2024.


#bikepacking #racz2023 #canyon #ultrabikers #ultrabikerscz #czechrepublic

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While we have 2 days until start and we introduced The Route, The Riders and our graphic materials of RACZ24, it is time to meet with our team of organizers, since without them, we could never reach all the goals of our event.

Seven people will join ...and help Číža and will do their best to take care of riders or to shoot them by camera, as we will try to collect enough material for some longer movie.

Two guys - Honza and Standa - were part of RACZ23. Two other guys - Peťa and Michal - were part of MD24. And we also agreed with Doktor and Dušan on one-day help in their neighbourhood.

Thanks a lot guys in advance, really looking forward to cooperate with you again 😉

Ink in 4 stamps into brevet cards didnt dry since last year's edition ... so it will be ready to make you "RACZ24 Finisher" 😉

If you collect all of them on our RestPoints and in Prašivá, of course 👍

Numbers are ready to be sticked on our riders' bikes.

Since this edition, we decided to change design of all RACZ graphics and merchandising, from previous black-yellow combination to traditional czech tri-colour, with dark blue as a main one.

... And we simply love it! ❤️

It became a traditional part of every RACZ route... To give our riders one chance to make a shortcut across a river via ferry.

After crossing river Elbe in Hřensko in 2022 and river Berounka in Darová in 2023, for this year´s edition, we found ...such opportunity on cca 260.km., between villages Malé and Velké Žernoseky, over river Ohře,

There is a small ship with a name Ludmila, which commutes river every 15 minutes there and back. It costs just 25czk (1 euro) and 10 czk (40cents) for a bike, and we hope it should be nice experience.

Nearby ferry is a small pub, where riders get some beer, dinner or lunch, while waiting.

With operating hours from 9-21, it will be a good chance to mainly for slower riders, who will get here on friday morning. It can save them 9 kilometres and the arrival to Litoměřice will be much more peaceful then on rather busy road from Lovosice.

You can play short video here:

For faster riders, there will be of course a fixed route detour.

Well, we introduced our first banner with "The Route", yesterday, but even more important part of our event are ... OUR RIDERS!

Although few of these guys finally excused from our race during last days, we still expect between 70-80 riders on the start line of RACZ24.

...Who do you think will be the fastest?

We will see probably on Saturday 6th July...

Ladies and gentlemen, we are excited to introduce you official banner with "The Route" of Race Across Czechia 2024, which will follow our event on pre-start meeting, RestPoints and finish.

We are sure you will love it!

🇬🇧 Dear UltraBikers and RACZ fans,
the clocks are frantically counting down and we only have 17 days left until the start of this year´s edition of Race Across Czechia. At the moment we are approaching 90 registered riders from 9 ...countries.

If you still want to join, you have the last day to register. We will close the start list on Monday before midnight.
We promise you a really epic ride across our beautiful country and it would be a shame to miss it ;-)

For us, this means the culmination of the final preparations, production of graphic materials as banners or numbers, organization of accommodation and pre-start meeting etc.

We are looking forward to this busy period and mainly to finally meet you in Františkovy Lázně.

Registration form for foreign participants:

Drazí UltraBikeři a fanoušci RACZ,

hodiny zběsile odpočítávají a už jen 17 dní nám zbývá do startu letošního ročníku Race Across Czechia. Aktuálně máme na startovce necelých 90 účastníků z 9 zemí Evropy.

Pokud se ještě chcete přidat, zbývá vám poslední den na registraci. V pondělí před půlnocí totiž uzavřeme startovní listinu.

Pro nás to nyní znamená vyvrcholení posledních příprav, výrobu grafických materiálů jako bannery a čísla, organizaci ubytování a předstartovního setkání atd.

Spousta mravenčí práce, na kterou se ale moc těšíme. Ještě víc se ale těšíme na osobní setkání s vámi ve Františkových Lázních ;-) Slibujeme, že to bude fakt epická jízda napříč naší krásnou republikou a byla by škoda u toho chybět ;-)

Registrační formulář pro CZ/SK účastníky